1. Find ATG and verify it has a serial port or is connected to the store's network
a. Make sure you have the required serial cable to make the serial connection from the MyTankinfo Device to the ATG if serial
b. You have the IP address of the ATG. Verify that it is in the same network subnet as the IP Address the MyTankInfo device obtains from the router.
2. Verify Internet Connection
a. Find Internet Router
I. If connecting via a network cable:
1. Connect the MyTankInfo Device directly to the router and verify that the status light flashes (device got an IP address)
II. If connecting via WiFi:
1. Verify the WiFi connection gets you to the internet by connecting your phone to the WiFi Network and accessing a website.
3. Ensure there is AC power within Power Supply cord range (6ft) of where you wish to mount the MyTankInfo Device
4. Mount the MyTankInfo Device and provide a network connection to the mounted device
a. Pull a network cable from the internet router to the MyTankInfo Device
b. Setup the WA801ND WiFi AP to the WiFi network and then wire to the MyTankInfo Device
6. Connect the proper serial cable from the MyTankinfo Device to the ATG
a. TLS350 - DB25M to DB25M Straight
b. TLS450/450 Plus - DB25M to DB9M (straight, not null modem)
c. AutoStik - DB25M to DB9F Straight (or null adapter depending on jumpers)
d. Incon TS/750/1001/2001 - DB25M to DB9M Null Modem or DB25M to DB9F Straight
7. Verify MyTankInfo is able to communicate with the ATG by speaking MyTankInfo Support Personnel
If you have a laptop, verify that ATG will communicate via serial port:
a. Veeder-Root TLSXXX, Omntec, Pneumercator, OPW iSite
I. Send 'Ctrl-A' I20100 command using putty or another terminal program
b. Incon
I. You will not be able to verify communications in Native Mode (a protocol that requires a calculated CRC as part of every command)
II. Switch a COM Port to Veeder-Root Mode and verify the port is functional with a 'Ctrl-A'I20100
c. Frankin EVO TS550 (gray enclosure) and Incon TS550 (blue enclosure)
I. Send 'Ctrl-A' I20100 command using putty or another terminal program
d. Any other ATG (AutoStik, Red Jacket ST, EECO)
I. Send 'Ctrl-A' 200 command using putty or another terminal program